Transformative Experiential Learning for Expertise Development

ACHiiVE DC360 is a groundbreaking application within the achiive development centre resources suite – an unparalleled digital learning environment dedicated to the process of building expertise.

DC360 combines a potent mix of experiential learning theory, real-world practice simulations, 360-degree assessment, machine-learned metric capture and bespoke AV design all within a safe, modern and effective digital learning environment.

How It Works

Our software brings large communities of learners, coaches, managers and subject matter experts together to run multi-team, multi-cycle experiential capability development events.

Realistic Simulations

360 can seamlessly simulate and develop any complex, competency-based business, management, and leadership skill set. We break these skills down into competencies, identifiable behaviours and levels of proficiency so learners can focus on the essential detail that will build a stronger process as a whole.

Learners are immersed in personalized, authentic real-world tasks and challenges while enjoying a psychologically safe space to experiment, reflect, assess, and adapt the specific skills identified for their development.

This active participation prepares learners to thrive in the workplace by effectively bridging the gap between knowing and doing.

‘It’s a transformative journey that shapes character and nurtures lifelong learners.’

Peer and social learning

360 is specifically designed to leverage the power of peer and social learning as well as provide opportunities for learners to experience skill development from all perspectives: doing, receiving, observing and evaluating.

Learners participate in a minimum of 9 simulation cycles, conducting 3 as the learner and then observing and evaluating their colleagues for a further 6 cycles. The opportunity to learn with and from others in this supportive environment is not only effective but also fun and engaging for participants.

Evaluation and feedback

Performance in 360 is evaluated using a combination of machine learning, automatic metric capture and 360-degree observed evaluations which the system collates and presents in real-time so learners can review what they have done with the benefit of accurate and holistic feedback. This frequent and ongoing assessment is crucial, enabling learners to track their progress, identify areas for improvement and adapt their approach.

Skill sessions can be recorded and replayed in feedback sessions to reinforce key learning points, develop greater self-awareness and provide examples of excellence to the whole learning group.

360 provides an incredibly rich audit of capability, down to individual behaviours for each learner. Not only does the application measure the tangible progression of skills development and establishes an essential benchmark of organisational best practice, but it also measures the change in intrinsic “Meta” competencies (self-awareness, confidence and motivation).

Learners receive rich Personal Development Plans that drive critical self-reflection and help them identify their strengths and areas for further development in Management reports are also compiled which provide a comprehensive capability Audit and Training Needs Analysis.